Soar to Success December 2018

62$5 72 68&&(66 / December 2018 / Core Business Strategies tobetomybusinessandthosebusinesses that were looking for a special place to hold their off-site meetings at Lake Erie Shores and Islands. It has red siding with white shutters and a welcoming covered HQWU\ 7KH ćRRUV DUH D GDUN ZRRG W\SH vinyl which contrast with white walls that showcase bold art work, all primary colors. The lighting includes chandeliers made from the wheels of my Father’s DQWLTXH VHHG GULOOHU 7KH ê%RDUG 5RRPë LV VHSDUDWHG IURP ê7KH 7UDLQLQJ 5RRPë E\ a set of custom made sliding barn doors repurposed from a local old barn. A piece of my Mother’s furniture has been transformed into the bathroom vanity and the mirror above it sits in a custom wood frame carved by my cousin that is a truly piece of art. This is what kept me going- my clear vision for a center that inspired creativity and critical thinking in all that entered it. 7KDW LV ZK\ P\ YHU\ ĆUVW WUDLQLQJ ZLOO EH ê+RZ WR &UHDWH D 3RZHUIXO 9LVLRQë 7KHUH are 5 key elements it needs to have in order to see you through tough times and keep you focused on your dream when the inevitable challenges pop up. If you are interested in learning what they are so you can accomplish that project you’ve been thinking about for a long time, email me and we’ll get you signed up. Because… Whatever Your Goal or Dream…WE Can Make it Happen.