Soar to Success August 2018

PAT ALTVATER Is How You Look Keeping You From Creating Videos? Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing O ne of my clients recently shared that she didn’t want to share her last two videos with her tribe. She thought she looked heavy. We are our own worst critics, aren’t we? The reality is that people see us in our entirety…our passion, our energy, our wisdom, our thoughtfulness, our appearance. Our authentic self is what they see when we allow them in. When we are focused on all those things that aren’t perfect, we miss out on being present and truly ourselves. Many people allow what they believe about how they look keep them from even getting started with video. If that’s you, think of it as a personal growth experience. Here’s what you can do: 1. Never again say – I hate my hair, I look heavy or I’m nervous about being on camera… whatever it is that is keeping you from video. ,QVWHDG VD\ D SRVLWLYH DI ߑ UPDWLRQ OLNH , ڕ P FRQ ߑ GHQW DQG FRPIRUWDEOH LQ IURQW RI WKH FDPHUD 2. Take the focus off you and turn your attention to your audience …think about KRZ \RXU PHVVDJH ZLOO EHQH ߑ W WKHP KRZ \RXU information can make their lives better 3. When you watch yourself on video…and you should watch yourself… watch your video like it’s not you …don’t focus on your looks , but focus on your energy, enthusiasm and delivery of the message. If that’s not good, then don’t use the video. If it is good, then you’ll be off and running with a new marketing strategy of using video to grow your business. You can apply this same strategy to going out in public in your bathing suit. Be sure to read Lynnette Begue- Lavery’s article in this issue for some great tips. Wishing you the best life has to offer.