Soar to Success April 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Core Business Strategies Instead of having to constantly invest in new technologies and make drastic changes to your business to stay compliant, the cloud can give \RXU EXVLQHVV WKH ćH[LELOLW\ LW QHHGV WR HDVLO\ VWD\ compliant as the business world changes. Adopting and implementing new cybersecurity practices and data storage policies is easy to do with the cloud. Even better, with the right cloud SURYLGHU \RX FDQ EHQHĆW IURP WKHLU H[SHULHQFH with compliance as well. By hosting your data in a well-managed and maintained data center, you actually shift the effort of compliance in part to your provider, which only makes life easier for you and your staff. Furthermore, as more and more of your day-to- day operations depend on a growing range of line of business software and applications that need to properly integrate in order to be effective, it ZLOO RQO\ EHFRPH PRUH GLIĆFXOW WR NHHS \RXU legacy technology in line with vital, newer, and more advanced technology. Bottom line - moving to the cloud is a smart long-term investment, especially when you have the right partner. An experienced and knowledgeable cloud provider can help you maintain compliance and tackle future technology challenges with ease - something luck, good intentions, or wishful thinking can’t do.There’snomagicsolutiontomakecompliance simple. If you would like to learn more about where the cloud and compliance intersect, CPU can help. Please give me a call at 419-872-9119 x299 or send an me an email at JDeWitt@CPUonline. com.