Soar to Success April 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Core Business Strategies When It Comes To Compliance By Jeanne DeWitt Y ou may be skeptical about entrusting your data to the cloud, especially if you’re already worried about staying compliant. What you don’t know is that the cloud could make it easier for you to stay compliant than ever before. Like any new technology, the cloud can be a scary prospect for businesses that are accustomed to a more traditional IT environment. This is especially true of businesses that have to maintain compliance with strict industry UHJXODWLRQV 7KH\ GRQèW IHHO FRQĆGHQW DERXW trusting their business data to a third-party cloud provider when one slip up could result in costly ĆQHV IRU QRQFRPSOLDQFH Because of this fear, many businesses miss out RQ WKH UDQJH RI EHQHĆWV WKDW WKH FORXG KDV WR offer. Here’s the thing, though - the cloud can actually help your business stay compliant, because it makes it easy to adopt and implement new practices and policies when needed. The FORXG RIIHUV DQ XQEHDWDEOH OHYHO RI ćH[LELOLW\ DQG collaboration that you need in order to keep your operations running smoothly. The fact is that as technology changes, so does your industry and the regulations that govern it. Whether you have to stay compliant with PCI, HIPAA, or another set of strict regulations, they will continue to adapt to the modern business world, which means you’ll have to keep up as well. This is where the cloud comes in handy. Don’t Rely On Rubbing Your Lamp