Soar to Success April 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Feature Article 3 Traits That Guarantee Success 1 2 3 First is a willingness to learn and grow . The world is constantly changing, successful people realize their business must be ready to change to meet the demands of the time. The third would be integrity. “If a business owner doesn’t have integrity people will recognize it immediately and won’t want to do business with them.” Second would be the tenacity to never give up. Every business venture will experience rough patches, but successful business owners are able to navigate WKH GLIĆFXOWLHV DQG FRQWLQXH to provide a valuable service to their clients. people they are trying to reach. In her many interactions with successful women entrepreneurs, Lynnette has LGHQWLĆHG WKUHH WUDLWV WKDW KHOS EXVLQHVV SHRSOH “Soar to Success.” Chamber, and a co-facilitator for downtown meetings of the Akron KNOW which stands for, Knowledgeable Network Of Women. She is also involved in church and Christian women’s Bible study. Her strong faith is very important to her. /RRN %HWWHU )HHO %HWWHU *DLQ &RQÀGHQFH and Soar to Success If you struggle with feeling your best every day and would like to take an LIFE Style energy assessment, visit Lynnette’s website: http:// Send her an email to: Lynnette@ , or call her at: 330- 760-7410. :H WKRURXJKO\ HQMR\HG RXU SRGFDVW LQWHUYLHZ with Lynnette. Visit our website to listen to that.
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