Soar to Success April 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Feature Article Shopping Excursions, Some Clients Choose to Take Lynnette with Them /\QQHWWH WHDFKHV KHU FOLHQWV WR QRW MXVW ORRN IRU WKH EHVW EDUJDLQ EXW WR ߑ QG WKH SLHFHV WKDW DUH ULJKW IRU WKHP ,I LW ڕ V QRW ULJKW LW ZLOO MXVW VLW LQ WKH FORVHW and the bargain wasn’t such a good deal after all. They learn what they are looking for in terms of style, fabric and color, and they also learn to shop. Pre-work before shopping includes making an assessment of what types of items are needed to FRPSOHWH DQ RXW ߑ W IURP SLHFHV DOUHDG\ RZQHG ڏ SHUKDSV D VFDUI VRPH MHZHOU\ RU GLIIHUHQW WRS RU bottom. Customized Packages Are Available Lynnette offers three packages, all of which can be tailored or customized. The Queen’s Package is for the woman who wants it all. The Princess Package is wardrobe consultation, including color analysis and skincare, but does not include the digital book or shopping. Finally, the Cinderella Package is for someone who wants to dip their toe in and do a little bit at a time; so it’s a slower path, EXW MXVW DV HIIHFWLYH Personal Life /\QQHWWH HQMR\V WUDYHO EHLQJ RXWGRRUV camping and spending time with her husband, children and twin granddaughters. She also picked up a love of home remodeling from her father, who was a carpenter and home builder. Although Lynnette is a female through and WKURXJK VKH ORYHV WR GR KRPH SURMHFWV +HU husband, Dan is always concerned when he sees her with a saws-all in her hands In a way, however, her passion for home improvement is an extension of her overall goal of wanting to beautify her surroundings. One of the things that Lynnette is very aware of is helping her young granddaughters separate the fantasy world of television and social media from real life. She wants to assure they don’t get trapped in the Kardashian comparison game. ,ژ W ڕ V LPSRUWDQW WR UHDI ߑ UP WKHLU JLIWV DQG qualities by continually giving them positive thoughts. To be able to look in the mirror and say, “I’m beautiful.” There’s so much negative in the world it’s important to assure they hear that message, especially at home.” Community Involvement /\QQHWWH DOVR HQMR\V EHLQJ LQYROYHG ZLWK WKH Cleveland chapter of NAWBO, the National Association of Women Business Owners and is currently serving as the V.P. of Finance. She is also a member of the Greater Akron