Soar to Success April 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Feature Article How it Began /\QQHWWH VWDUWHG RXW KHU ZRUNLQJ FDUHHU LQ ߑ QDQFH and management, but through divine intervention and the help of various people in her life, transitioned to image consulting. She has always had a thirst for personal growth, particularly related WR FRQ ߑ GHQFH VRPHWKLQJ VKH VWUXJJOHG ZLWK DV D child. She was able to overcome the effects of the teasing and bullying she received early in her life and truly believes that if you stop growing, you are dying. Over 20 years ago, looking for more in her life than MXVW QXPEHUV DQG GROODU VLJQV VKH VWDUWHG ZLWK skincare and color analysis. As her customer’s needs increased and evolved, her business continued to grow into the overall lifestyle energy assessment and wardrobe consultation that she employs today. Wardrobe Consulting: “If I don’t feel great, when I put it on, it goes.” Wardrobe consultation helps women discover better choices for their body type, in terms of clothing style, cut, fabric, and color. One of the things that Lynnette offers is a closet review. A review helps them unlock the power in their existing wardrobe by determining what works, what doesn’t and why, or what alteration could be made to make it work. The closet review also helps her clients identify items that may be taking up space and should be GLVFDUGHG 7KHQ /\QQHWWH FUHDWHV H[DPSOH RXW ߑ WV from the pieces that she discovers in the client’s closet; sometimes things they never thought to put together. Once done, Lynnette provides her clients with a GLJLWDO ERRN WKDW DOORZV WKHP WR VHH WKRVH RXW ߑ WV DW WKHLU ߑ QJHUWLSV DQG UHPHPEHU ژ 2K WKDW ڕ V ZKDW we put with that.” Gone are the days of wondering what to wear!! She also shares ideas of what accessories or additional clothing items could be added to make HYHQ PRUH RXW ߑ WV IURP WKHLU H[LVWLQJ SLHFHV
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