Soar to Success April 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Feature Article ,QQHU &RQ ߑ GHQFH Helps Lynnette Begue-Lavery’s Clients Soar to Success Lynnette Begue-Lavery’s goal is to help her clients ߑ QG WKHLU LQQHU EHDXW\ DQG IRFXV RQ WKHLU DVVHWV WR EXLOG FRQ ߑ GHQFH DQG ژ 6RDU WR 6XFFHVV : ڙ KDW VHWV her apart from other Image Consultants is that she starts with an energy assessment . This tool helps people discover their innate gifts, tendencies, and unique assets from which Lynnette can design a SHUVRQDO SODQ WKDW ڕ V MXVW ULJKW IRU WKHP 6KH ORYHV the “AHA!” moments when a client understands that it’s her innate energy that drives certain behaviors. Lynnette shared with us, ژ 6XGGHQO\ WKH\ UHDOL]H WKHUH ڕ V QRWKLQJ ZURQJ ZLWK WKHP LW ڕ V VXFK D FRQ ߑ GHQFH EXLOGHU ڙ Lynnette also offers skincare, color analysis, wardrobe consultation along with the energy assessment. Her goal is for her clients to look in the mirror and feel good about themselves, showing WKHLU FRQ ߑ GHQFH DQG DOORZLQJ WKHLU LQQHU EHDXW\ WR shine to the world. Her passion is to enrich as many lives as she can by teaching, helping and inspiring them to thrive by focusing on their gifts and positive attributes and DI ߑ UPLQJ WKHLU XQLTXH LPDJH 6KH EHOLHYHV WKDW LW LV always important to maintain a positive mindset and focus on our accomplishments.