Soar to Success April 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Core Business Strategies By Stella Nsong O n the second Monday of every month, I host a teleseminar titled, YouMayHave Parkinson’s But Parkinson’s Does Not Have To Have You and this month during the teleseminar, a daughter in-law told a story that ZHQW OLNH WKLV ê0\ KXVEDQG DQG KLV IDWKHU DUH OLWHUDOO\ MRLQHG DW WKH KLS 0\ KXVEDQG has quit his job to care for my father in-law who LV GLIĆFXOW WR FDUH IRU EHFDXVH KH KDV DGYDQFHG Parkinson’s. Our bills are piling up. My father in- law has been in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities four times in the last year. He has a bad heart, swollen legs, open wounds, a bad hip and Parkinson’s disease. He cannot control his urine so there is the constant running to the bathroom. I work all day, run my daughter to all her after school events and then go to my in-laws and help. I am overwhelmed, tired, frustrated and feeling used by my husband and my father in-law”. Caregiving is still the greatest art of love but how is it that it could also be a relationship wrecker and the biggest productivity killer? Research is showing that caregiving is becoming a popular reason for divorce and in the work place, caregiving is the newest productivity killer. MYRESPONSE: Parkinson’s disease is a family disease because when a family member suffers from Parkinson’s the entire family is affected WR VRPH GHJUHH HLWKHU HPRWLRQDOO\ ĆQDQFLDOO\ (your husband quitting his job and your bills HELP & SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES CHALLENGED WITH PARKINSON’S DISEASE