Soar to Success June 2018

CONTENTS 0DJD]LQH 04 . 08. 16. 26. 12. 20. 10. 18. 28. 30. 32. 14. 22. 34. 36. Core Business Strategies Personal Growth Strategies Business Acceleration Strategies From The Beach To The Eiffel Tower - The &ORXG ,V (YHU\ %LW $V $GYHQWXURXV $V <RX By Jeanne DeWitt 1HHG +RUPRQH %DODQFH" 7KHUH LV DQ 2LO for That! By Debra Reis, RN, MSN, NP /HDGLQJ D 5LFK /LIH ڏ 7KH 5HZDUG RI %HLQJ D Real Estate Investor By Karen Cupp 'R <RX .QRZ :KDW <RXU %RG\ ,V 6D\LQJ" By Lynnette Begue Lavery 0HQ ڕ V :HOOQHVV ZLWK (VVHQWLDO 2LOV %\ Dr. Heather McKinney RU :LOO <RX 2U <RXU )DPLO\ 6XUYLYH 7KH (OGHU &DUH &OLII" %\ Stella Nsong :KDW LV WKH (PRWLRQDO 6RXQGWUDFN RI <RXU Life? By DocPenny Kowal Promote from Within to Increase (PSOR\HH (QJDJHPHQW DQG 5HWHQWLRQ %\ Lisa Ryan )RXU 3RZHUIXO :RUGV %\ -RDQ :DVKEXUQ 8VLQJ /LQNHG,Q $V $ 3URVSHFWLQJ 7RRO %\ Diane Helbig 2017 Tax Reform: A Plain English GLVFXVVLRQ RQ WKH 7D[ &XWV DQG -REV $FW ڏ 3DUW %\ 7LQD 0RH &3$ +HDOLQJ +DQGV %\ -HDQQH 0F0XUU\ Our Favorite Videos Our Contributors Cover Feature: $UH <RX 5HDG\ IRU Personal Power Mastery?